233 Dearborn Street


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233 Dearborn Street, 1930s

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Photo credit: Scott Glasgow

233 Dearborn Street, Buffalo NY 14207


  • John J. Cutezo

Physical Description

Current Condition

  • Demolished October 23, 2018.


  • Appears on the 1856 map of Black Rock.

Recent Events and Actions Taken

  • Demolished October 23, 2018.
  • From Scott Glasgow: "This old house at 233 Dearborn St that appears on the 1856 map of Black Rock was demolished today. The house can be seen in in the background of the black and white image. The rear portion of the house was likely an early timber frame structure and would have made a great restoration. The house was bank owned, up for sale and to my knowledge there was no public notification of the proposed demolition."
  • "Update on the demolition, the neighbors asked the housing court to expedite the demo. Apparently there were heroin users squatting in the house. Why do we so often see needless demos to address issues like this that can be resolved other ways? The hand hewn sill was 22 inches wide in the oldest section of the house. This block of Dearborn was almost completely intact and many of the houses date to the 1830's, 40's and 50's."

Other Pertinent Facts


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Added 2018-10-24 • Last changed 2018-10-24