Summit / Bosche Building
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918 Main Street Buffalo, NY 14202
Google Bird's Eye View
Fillmore Council District
SBL: 100.78-5-5
Erie County Property Info
County Tax Map (loads GIS page)
City of Buffalo Parcel Viewer
Adjacent to: 916 Main Street and Red Jacket Building
Across from: 911 Main Street
GREENLEAF PROPERTIES, LLC per propertyviewer
NYS Corporation and Business Entity Database
Physical Description
23,000 sq.ft. four-story, Richardsonian Romanesque masonry building, 48' x 122'
Current Condition
Rebuilt and in use
Former carriage factory. Architect: Cyrus K. Porter & Son. Mason: Smith Brothers. Carpenter: Hager & Feist - E. M. Hager
Completed: April 2, 1891. Original Cost: $18,000. Original Owners: Robert C. & Charles C. Bosche (Brothers).
Original Use: First floor offices and carriage repository , second floor carriages and harness displays, basement & third floor - storage, fourth floor - repair shops.
The carriage business can be traced back to 1837. The firm also constructed automobile bodies until its closing in 1914.
Recent Events and Actions Taken
- 2004 - The City brought it before the Preservation Board for a demo request that was denied. Rehab would cost less than demo at that time. Neither action occurred.
- 2005 - Developer Robert Wulbrecht signed a purchase agreement but the planned retail and residential conversion project halted when he couldn't obtain an emergency exit opening onto a privately owned parking lot in the rear.
- 2006 - The sales contract for 918 Main Street was rescinded upon Wulbrecht's death. A hole develops in the building's roof.
- March 2009 - Barricades installed on sidewalk to keep public from front facade debris. Greenleaf Real Estate purchases neighboring building (916 Main) and shows interest Summit Building.
- April 2009 - City applies for RestoreNY grant for internal demolition work and façade restoration.
- October 2009 - City is approved for grant. Total cost to stabilize the building is estimated between $300,000 and $500,000.
- April 2010 - Greenleaf seeks Common Council approval to be designated developer of the City-owned Summit/Bosche Building
- August 2010 - Stabilization work still pending, as the $1.2 million in state funding from a RestoreNY grant is a reimbursement program. The City must first spend the money for a Phase I environmental study, retain a structural consultant and start the selective demolition and stabilization work to be reimbursed.
- January 2011 - Stabilization work is bid out. Plans from architecture firm Carmina Wood Morris, PC call for partial demolition and complete reconstruction of the interior superstructure, along with restoration of all wall-bearing masonry and the installation of a new structural roof system
- August 2011 - Stabilization work begins
- August 2013 - Stabilization completion expected
- 2013 - $5.8 million restoration project of 916 and 918 Main
- Oct 21, 2013 - The Erie County Industrial Development Agency (ECIDA) approved $255,000 in sales and mortgage tax abatements to aid the adaptive reuse
- May 2014 - Restoration along with adjacent 916 Main Street is expected to be completed
- June 2016 - The $6.2 million project was shepherded by Jim Swiezy and his Greenleaf Development & Construction LLC
Other Pertinent Facts
- Architect Cyrus K. Porter and Sons contributed the following buildings to Buffalo: Holy Name Church, First Free Baptist Church, Summit Building, Cyclorama Building, and the Karpeles Manuscript Museum
- Located in the Allentown Historic Preservation District
- City of Buffalo - Allentown Historic Preservation District map
- Buffalo Rising Feb 2007 - Uncertain Future for 916-18 Main Street
- Buffalo Rising March 2008 - Can The Bosche Building Be Saved?
- Buffalo Rising March 2009 - Summit Building Now Nearly Roofless
- Buffalo Rising April 2009 - State Funding Sought
- Buffalo Rising October 2009 - Facade To be Spared
- Buffalo Rising December 2009 - Facade Work Starts
- Buffalo Rising April 2010 - Greenleaf Seeking To Tackle Summit
- Buffalo Rising June 2010 - Bosche Building History Revealed
- Buffalo Rising August 2010 - Still Standing, Awakes City Action
- Buffalo Rising January 2011 - Repairs Start Soon
- Buffalo Rising August 2012 - Construction Watch
- Buffalo Spree Sept 2012 - Preservation Ready Carriage Showplace To Shine Again
- Preservation Buffalo Niagara - 918 Main
- BuffaloAH - Architect Cyrus Porter
- Buffalo Rising June 2013 - 916-918 Main Project On Track For Completion Next Spring
- Buffalo Rising October 2013 - Redevelopment Plan for 916-18 Main Street Receives Incentives
- Buffalo Rising, April 2015 - Construction Watch: Bosche Building Redevelopment
- Business First, June 2016 - From eyesore to development model, Bosche Lofts arrive on Main Street
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Added 2013-01-08 • Last changed 2016-06-17